
Sep 10, 2012

Easy Jar Luminaries

We had a great weekend!  Swimming at the lake with neighborhood friends, apple picking with cousins...all in all a great way to wrap up summer and say hello to fall. 

I have more posts of projects from the weekend to share but I wanted to start with some great paper luminaries I made with the help of friends from the neighborhood.  We will use these at our annual block party coming up in just a couple of weeks. 

They were very simple to make.  We simply cut strips of colored paper, hole punched them in a random pattern and then taped them onto jars in layers.

They aren't perfect but that is exactly the look we are going for.  I used all kinds of jars - baby food, spaghetti and peanut butter.  Basically anything with a wide mouthed opening to make it easy to light.    I can't wait to show the bunting we made and the tarts I made from the apples we picked.
Reed was very tuckered out tonight.  He did so much of this...

That he was sound asleep by 7:01.

So looking foward to the block party!

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