
Sep 13, 2012

Apple Tart AKA Baked Apples in Pie Shell

Before I mention the apples...Reed is one today!!!  Can't believe it!  So excited for his part on Saturday!

Okay, so back to apples.  I wanted to make an apple tart from the apples we picked.  I already had some pie crusts so I thought it would be very easy.  It turned out very good but was more like baked apples in a pie shell rather than a tart.  I tossed the apples in cinnamon, nutmeg, sugar and allspice and placed in the shell.  I squeezed about a tablespoon of lemon juice on top and placed in the oven for about 45 minutes.  They turned out soooo good...not something I would serve like this but definitely gives me some options with the apples. 

I could do apples on their own with vanilla ice cream.  Or place in a small pastry shell.  Or just a good apple pie.  I think adding the nutmeg and allspice gave it more of a unique flavor that your typical pies or baked apples.  Plus not having the filler made it lighter.

Here are Rudy and Reed at the Apple Orchard.  We went to Carrigan Farms in Mooresville, NC.  Such a fun day!

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