
Plein Air Painting

Plein Air Painting literally means painting in the outdoors.  I have always loved and appreciated art and tried my hand at almost everything in college as an art minor.  But interestingly enough I shied away from oil painting.  I didn't think I was good enough to use it.  It seemed too formal and too evolved for my skill level.  That was until I took my first plein air painting workshop.

I found true happiness that day standing in a sunny field with 6 other women just seeing the landscape for its color and beauty and doing my best to convey that on my canvas.  I truely remember taking a deep breath and thinking, this is what it is all about.

I learned that simple is better.  All you need is your easel, canvases, brushes, palette knife, turpentine and 4 tubes of paint.  White and the primary colors.  That's it!  It is so freeing not to be lugging around 25 tubes of paint.  Mixing colors is incredible and probably the most fun thing about painting for me.  I get the color just so on my palette knife and then hold it up to the sky, mountain, tree whatever it is I am painting and when I get the color just right, I am elated.

Painting is therapy for me and very relaxing.  I am so thankful I discovered it.  Check back here for posts about my paintings and click on the link to see my online gallery.
Online Gallery