
Apr 10, 2013

We're In!

Hi there!  Thanks for stopping by faithfully everyday when there is nothing new to read!  Thank you!  I have been up to my ears in unpacking, running after Reed and cleaning that I haven't had time to post. 

By the end of the week I am going to get you pictures of the house which will the beforest of the before pictures in the world.  I have made some progress though.  Seeing the house empty without the former owners stuff in it was huge.  Taking out the tacky window treatments was even better.  There is actually light in the living room now!  And putting plants that were alive in the front wasn't half bad either.

So anyway...stay tuned for pictures of the new house and my laundry list of things I want to do.

Hope your week is going well and that your back doesn't hurt like mine!

~ Sarah

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