
Mar 26, 2013

Artist Feature: Laura Wooten


I have a cold.  I am super stressed about this house situation.  And my cough drops are running out.  What is  a girl to do?  Be inspired by art of course!  I found this artist when searching for an image for flashlight tag for my Flashlight Tag post over at QTO.  Here is the image I found:

So cool right?  I looked up the site and found the coolest project by an artist Laura Wooten who was a Brooklyn city girl and now living in the suburbs in Orange, VA.  Basically for the year of 2012 she took all of her little drawings and sketches throughout the week and collaged them into a 12x12 piece using paint and other mediums.  All the pieces will hang together as one piece to reflect her life in the suburbs.  One is called Flu Season, one is called Christmas Tree, out of town visitors, Balloon Ride and Homework.  I love this one called Out Of Town Visitors.

This one is entitled Friendship:

And then this piece - Flashlight Tag - which led me to this awesome artist in the first place.  

I mentioned that this was inspiration for me.  I think these kinds of pieces would make wonderful illustrations for a children's story book.  I have had an idea for a children's book that I have mulled over for years.  One time I started writing down the words but didn't get very far. that I have some images in mind, maybe the project will come to fruition?  One day???
You can find all about Laura's project on her blog here:  If you live near Orange, VA - check out her exhibit!
~ Sarah

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