
Dec 25, 2012

The Most Beautiful Angel in the World

Merry Christmas!

I hope this finds you well.  Going to be writing a little something personal today...but hang with me!  Have you ever gotten caught up in how things "should be"?  Wishing and hoping for a better tomorrow but not appreciating what you have today?  I am going to put it out there and say that I have been plagued with this for the past year.  Ever since Reed was born nothing seemed good enough.  I wanted us to have a bigger house, a snazzier neighborhood, a better yard, etc. etc.  But thank goodness I have come out of this.  I think in large part to a girls bible study I have joined, support from Rudy and just being real about what matters.  Plague is the best word I can come up with because when feelings of insecurity and unhappiness fill your waking thoughts, it is really hard to move forward.  Ironic considering that is what I wanted most. 

But again, I have come out of it.  And as I was decorating this year, there was one decoration that seemed to symbolize the peace that has come over me in the last month.

Meet the most beautiful Angel in the world!

She is 10 inches of fiber optic awesomeness and she has lit up my world this Christmas.  But I will admit I didn't always feel this way about her.
This angel came from our neighbor and good friend.  He is the kind of guy that has had so many struggles and hardships but always has kind word for you and would give you the shirt off of his back if you needed it.  When I received it, you can imagine what I said, "oh, how lovely!"  "isn't she special?"  "wow...!".  And I did put her on the tree for a few years but I didn't dare light her up.  I didn't want that tacky light up wal-mart thing on my picture perfect tree.

Even this year, I wanted to create something out of scrapbook paper to match my wreath.  But you know what?  Reed LOVES it.  I mean look at her!  Isn't she gorgeous?

And you know what?  Christmas is about little boys smiling in amazement.  Not about picture perfect decorations all the time.  It is about caring, wonderful neighbors who think so much of you that they give you their prized angel.  I love this angel.  It has so much meaning for me.  It represents me coming out of whatever it was I was going through, the neighborhood full of wonderful people we have and for the beautiful healthy boy we have that doesn't care how much things cost, or what package things come in.  It represents the peace in my heart and appreciation for the blessings Rudy and I have.  It represents LOVE and I am happy to say that we have it all around.
Merry Christmas - may peace be with you.

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