
Dec 28, 2012

Painting Inspiration

I have been yearning to paint something.  The last thing I painted was the beach down in Wilmington.  I have painted many summer scenes, why not a winter scene?  My friend Bryn snapped this photo while vacation in Wisconsin and I knew the minute I saw it that I wanted to paint it.

I like it for a number of reasons.  The color scheme is great - mostly neutrals with very dark details.  Also Bryn captured a great composition (she is a designer after all so she has a good eye!) using the rule of thirds.  The horizon line is in the bottom third of the painting and then she placed the bulk of the "activity" in the lower right third - the house and the tallest tree.  So your eye is naturally drawn there.  Imagine if she had placed the horizon and house smack dab in the middle.  Would have been a pretty boring picture right?
Not sure when I will get to this but when I do I will be sure to share!
Thanks Bryn for the inspiration!

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