
Nov 6, 2012

Reed's Playroom and Felt Activity Board 1st Try

A few weeks ago, I moved most of Reed's bigger toys downstairs to make a play area for him.  We are not totally finished which is just fine because I think the space will probably grow with him.  But for now, we have his toys under our basement stairs with an open area in the sitting area of our basement.

I already had these great shelves from IKEA and I placed the bins on the bottom level so he could safely get things in and out.  There is a space on the right that was open until I realized a basket I already had fit.  It is sort of a weird size.  Considering I would like to use this basket for parties like we did for Reed's birthday...
 I am still on the hunt for something else.  But for now it works.

I wanted to create a felt activity board for him and made a 1st try last night to see what he thought.  I placed it to the right of the fire place to keep it out of the way.

I purchased 2 yards of green felt for $7.99 from Michael's and then lots of sheets of colored felt.  I was planning on making felt garland for Christmas so I was okay with not using all of it.

I cut a small piece of green and taped it up on the wall.  Next I cut a few shapes out of various colors.  He liked it!  He liked taking the pieces off and tried to get them back on.  I think over time, he will really be able to use it better. 

 For a 1st try, I like the concept. Stay tuned for my final version with a larger surface area and more permanent method of attaching it to our wall.

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