
Nov 8, 2012

Exhibit Spotlight :: MORE or LESS at the Albany Airport

"At this time more than any other, we are mindful of what is plentiful and what is scarce; of what some have and others don't. In life, the pursuit of more necessitates the apportionment of less. In art, these opposing qualities find connection through their ability to impart the sublime, whether through lavish profusion or bare simplicity."
One great thing about traveling in airports is getting to see the revolving art exhibits many airports have for travelers and the general public alike.
The Albany airport did not let me down!  They have a great exhibit right now called More or Less that I wanted to share with you. 
Here are some of my favorite pieces...
This actually reminded me of textiles with the over all pattern.

Look how detailed they are close up!

This is actually scraps of paper molded into cubes on wooden tables.  I am going to be honest, I don't really get art like this.  But interesting nonetheless!


These last two were actually not part of the exhibit but were featured in another area of the airport.  They are by an artist named Robert Cartmell.  I LOVED these pieces.  What can I say?  I love things that are bright and colorful.

This one was my favorite...if it were for sale and the price was right, I would have seriously considered buying it. 

Art is a wonderful thing.  Creating it makes me a different person and brings me peace.  I love seeing every one's talents come to life in a piece.  Even if it is something I don't understand, I can appreciate it.

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