
Oct 17, 2012

Easy Vase of Flowers

Yesterday was bosses day. My boss was out of the office so we are giving her a card and flowers today. I picked up these mums at the grocery store.  I love mums - they are perfect this time of year.

I found a simple vase in my collection and wrapped it a strip of scrapbook paper.  I tried to pick some paper that matched the flowers and had some great fall colors.

Then I cut the mums and removed the leaves.  I cut the majority of them a couple of inches over the edge of the vase.  Then I filled in with various stems.  I thought they turned out pretty cute!

I thought about wrapping ribbon around them but Rudy said they looked better plain.  I have to go with my resident expert!

And here they are in my dramatic art setting on my camera.  I can't wait until I am somewhere and this setting will actually make sense.  It is very cool.

I really do feel fortunate to have such a good boss.  She is flexible, kind and knows just what to say when I am having a moment.  All great things to have in a boss!

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