
Aug 23, 2012

Felt Bunting

I started working on the felt bunting for Reed's party last night.  I think it is goign to be so cute going around the edge of the tent!  I love how it is sort of boyish and fun.  I want to hang on to them to decorate his big boy room with them too.  I already have some great primary color artwork to go with them. is how I did it!

I bought standard felt in red, blue and yellow.  I figured I could get about two feet of triangles per sheet and bought accordingly.  I drew triangles with a colored pencil and simply cut them out.

To put them on the yarn, I snipped holes in the top edges.  I wanted to use a needle to run the yarn through but I didn't have a needle that would work.  Snipping the holes was time consuming but it saved me a trip to the store.

I think they are going to turn out so cute!

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