
Jul 17, 2012

Sushi Date Night and Sushi Rolling Tutorial Demo

Rudy and I love sushi so on Friday night we found ourselves with a baby who went right down (yay!) and not much we wanted to cook in the house.  So Rudy went out for sushi.  While he was gone I thought it would be nice to set the table up for a sushi date.  Away I went scurrying around the house to gather my sushi plates, chopsticks, napkins and glasses.

This is what Rudy came home to.

For an asian look, I used bamboo placemats, sushi plates and bowls, chopsticks and lemongrass cloth napkins.  The effect was quite charming!

Rudy snapped this beaut once we had everything plated.  It was the best dinner we have had in such a long time and it was so nice to sit down for a "date".  No babysitter needed.

I love Rudy's photos!

Sometimes Rudy and I make our own on the link below to see my cheesy sushi tutorial back in 2008.

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