
Jul 30, 2012


And pressure washing!  I had a busy weekend styling the nautical party (pics and details starting tomorrow) and working around the house.

Our little house looks brand new and sparkly thanks to some mulch in the front beds and a round of pressure washing today.

Here is what the house looked like earlier this year.

You can't see it here but slowly spider webs and grunginess had taken over the house.  I should have taken some before photos but I think you can visualize it!

Here is what we look like today!

ah...if only the grass still looked as good in the top picture.  Dang southern heat!

The mulch was $2.57 a bag at Home Depot and we got 16 bags for the front area.  The pressure washer was free because we were able to borrow it from a neighbor.  So all in all some pretty cheap upgrades with a big impact!

Funny how Kaya is in the after photos too.  Do you have a dog that follows you around too?

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