
May 11, 2012


I have begun my work on the piece for an MDA (Muscular Dystrophy Association) silent auction fundraiser.  I haven't picked what I am going to paint but I did want to go ahead and do my underpainting to get my canvas ready.

Underpainting serves a couple of purposes for me.  Mainly by painting the entire canvas a warm tone such as orange or red, it makes the colors I put on top of it warmer and more alive. 

It also takes away the intimidation that a stark white canvas can give you.

It is very basic - I just put a little red and yellow on my canvas and mix it up and then paint the entire canvas.  I try to go more red than yellow because I think my paintings turn out better.

I will let this dry through the weekend and start my painting on Sunday.

I already have a frame and everything!  These plein air style frames can be purchased at Michael's or  They are perfect for canvas boards.

Have a great weekend and I hope to have a good finished painting to show you on Monday!  Fingers crossed!

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