
May 3, 2012

Thanks Martha for the Pine Island Tribute

My brothers went to the most awesome summer camp for boys in Maine - Pine Island.  It is a small family run camp that has been around for many years - since 1902.  My Dad was a counselor there and a good family friend ran the camp when the Swan Family was in between leadership.

Martha Stewart

 It is beautiful and rustic with all kinds of cool traditions  (ask me about a game called Nuple Tucker sometime).  It sits on a small island on the Belgrade Lakes in Maine.

Pine Island Camp

During the summers my family would take a vacation to pick them up from camp.  Being so much younger, I only did this a few times but I remember that part of the country fondly.  Leaving the hot and humid south and finding yourself in the cool and serene beauty that is Maine in the summer will leave anyone refreshed and anew.

Martha Stewart

When I was a teenager I was dying to go and work there during the summers.  Of course my Mom saw right through my ideas and knew that my desire to work was less about being in the beautiful state of Maine and much more about being around all the cute counselors. 

Although I never attended, it was easy to see what a special place it was.  When you visited you were made to feel like a part of the family and a part of the community.  Several of my nephews have attended and I hope we can send Reed when he gets older.

I was excited to see that Martha Stewart featured the camp on her website - Camp Memories.   You can check out the camp and its cool history at

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