
May 17, 2012

Girls Night Wine Tasting

One of my book clubs has turned into more of a Girls Night Club.  And each host can choose if they want to pick a book, play a game, do a craft, etc.  We were getting a little stale on the books and the group needed a boost.  Theresa was due to host next and picked a wine tasting theme.  Each of us brought a bottle of wine which she put into paper bags labeled with a number.

Then we started tasting and rating our wines using this handy score card that she created. 

She provided an awesome spread of tasty treats to go along with the wine.

This strawberry and basil salad was a big hit.  The recipe is from Southern Living.

Theresa also served veggies and dip (carrots, celery and asparagus) in these glasses.

Dessert was this awesome peach and blueberry cobbler served in cute mason jars.  So good!

It was fun night and something different!  Wine number 2 won...a great pinot grigio.  Currently #2 at Total Wine.  We had so much fun I didn't write it down!  But the concept was great.

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