
May 24, 2012

Fruit Basket Turn Over/Rev Your Engines

We have a new addition in our kitchen.  And it is not just the basket of fruit hanging in our window.  I do think it adds a cute cozy feeling to our kitchen though.  But the real reason Rudy purchased it is because we are going to be eating a lot more fruits and veggies and we need somewhere to put it!

Rudy and I are starting the Engine 2 diet.  We thought about it before but I was nervous about making a big diet change after just having a baby.  I figured Reed was enough change, I didn't need anything else! 
Basically the concept is to eat a plant based diet - so no animal, not even eggs or cheese.  We are going to do the 28 day challenge and see what we think.  The success stories of people lowering their cholesterol by 50,80, 130 points in just 28 days is incredible.  It is about weight loss but more about lowering cholesterol and preventing disease.

The guy that created it is a firefighter.  I knew I liked him when he mentioned the MDA Fill The Boot (national fundraising program firefighters do for MDA that raises over $25 million a year) in the first chapter.  His name is can you not try a diet created by a cool firefighter dude named Rip???

Rudy sent me this yesterday from Costco.  The title was "getting ready!"

I love it!  Rudy was very excited about it.  And I came to the kitchen this morning to find this.  Our cereal and snack bags that Rudy prepared.  I added some hummus and I was all set!

So we are armed with lots of fruit and veggies, quinoa, hummus, nuts and legumes.  Will keep you posted on our progress!

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