
Apr 16, 2012

Weekend Yard Updates

I used to have a thing I did where everyday I thought of three positive things that happened right before my prayers.  It was amazing how much better I felt and able to clear my mind when gratitude was what I was thinking about rather than the daily drivel that can fill your brain before falling asleep.

Today I can already thing of three things.  1.  Reed woke up early so I got to feed him and get him to school before my flight.  2.  Mondays are usually crazy at the airport but since I booked an 8:30 flight today I sailed right through check in.  3.  I saw that a neighbor has free monkey grass!  Yeah - free plants!  Now, we know what to put around the patio.

But on to the yard and our weekend.  The yard will be done in baby steps which I think will keep it more manageable and cost effective.  Even though the timing of the work will be done hodge podge, the finished product will not thanks to our overall garden plan.

Remember this stark wall at the side of our house?

Rudy transplanted the trees in our front planters to this wall.  They should grow to be 6 feet tall which will be perfect along with some other plantings.

Here is what our planter looks like now - love the summery colors.  They look a little leggy now but hoping they grow in nicely.

Rudy and Reed got to enjoy our back yard!

And Monkey reaaaaalllllleeeeeee wanted the appetizers I put out for Rudy's sister and her family for dinner on Friday night!  Good thing she is too little to get to it!

We also had our neighborhood wide yard sale this weekend which I coordinated.  More on how to coordinate that later.  And my mother-in-law came over on Sunday to watch Reed so I could get some work done for this trip and run some errands.  Rudy and I made shrimp and grits last night which was AWESOME.  So glad summer is around the corner.  All in all, this weekend was great! 

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