
Apr 19, 2012

It's Coming!

An organized kitchen!
Last night I started by pulling everything out, and grouping things by "area" - baby stuff, pantry, baking, snacks, etc.  Then I cleaned each cabinet and drawer.  I still have a lot of work to do to decide what is going where.  And I know I need some tools to help keep things in place.  My goal is to be finished by Sunday night so I will have lots of pictures to share!
I did some research and found these interesting photos from Raquel English's Blog.  This is actually a medicine cabinet but shows me how far you can go with labeling and using containers to group things.  I also like how she has her spices on a lazy susan...much better than my current set up with them all in a drawer!

I also found these ideas from the container store...probably where I will head once I get everything cleared out!

I liked this one because you can make your drawer any configuration you want so you don't waste any space.

14" Pull-Out Basket System

Lots of befores and afters coming on Monday!

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