
Apr 30, 2012

First Beach Painting - Carolina Beach, NC

So we had a fun trip to Wilmington to visit Karen and Mike.  We showed up with a car full of stuff ready to relax at the beach.  We spent the day on Saturday at Carolina Beach just outside of Wilmington.  Reed loved the sand!  He had a great time playing.  He was in awe of the sights and sounds.  It was so cute.

I even managed to do a little painting. 

This was my first time painting the beach.  I feel it is a success beacause 1.  I actually painted and 2. you can tell it is the beach.  It was nice to capture the day.  I do want to paint some of people at the beach but I think I might have to - dare I say it - paint from a picture.  I know you aren't supposed to do that but that is the only way I think I will be able to do it.

I didn't get any pictures of Karen's house...not to make excuses but I get all of track when Reed is around.  Hoping she reads this and sends me some... :)  It looked GREAT! 

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