
Mar 26, 2012

Using A Tray to Anchor Various Small Decorative Objects

I have always liked to collect little boxes like the pretty painted Limoge boxes.  I have a few of those and then an assortment of pretty ones I have purchased or been given over the years. 

I have found that small items like this can look busy.  I did have them all around my house in groupings of threes usually but I wanted to go simpler but still be able to enjoy them.  So I decided to put them all together.   

To make them stand out and look more unified I placed them on this silver tray. Having them contained on the tray makes them seem less busy I think. Plus it was a nice way to bring out this pretty tray. 

I especially love this little yellow one.  I got this in Paris on a trip with my Mom, cousin Claudia and cousin Eloise.  I love the butterfly closure. 

I placed the tray on this piece in the living room.  I once heard that you should always have 3 levels on a table top.  Something high (the lamp), something flat (the tray and boxes) and something in between (the picture frames).  I also try and do things that are asymmetrical if I can.  The chairs are symmetrical but using an odd number of things on the table top helps break it up some.  Following this rule usually makes for a pleasant arrangement! 

This piece is quite high - so my boxes and tray will be out of the way for a certain some one's little hands!  So far I like it - but ask me again when silver polishing day comes around...

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