
Mar 29, 2012

Ode To Peanut Butter's Grown Up Side - Peanut Satay Sauce

I looooove peanut butter and have been eating it every single day in some way (sandwiches - PB, PB&J, PB and banana, PB and Apple, PB and honey - crackers, by the spoonful, etc, etc. etc) since I found out I was prego.  I can't get enough of it!

So last night I was making Asian-ish food (sautéed okra, carrots, cabbage, mushrooms, zucchini over rice) and I was wondering the best way to add some protein to the meal.  Rudy and I are trying to eat less animal and more plant.  I threw in some lentil sprouts to the veggie mix but then it hit me...peanut sauce.  Peanut butter has loads of protein.  And considering my trend of eating it daily, not having it in my meal was making me a little sad.  Also, we recently had it a month or so ago at a friend's house for dinner and it was so good.

Anyway, I thought peanut sauce and immediately went to my Joy of Cooking cook book and found a recipe for it.  That is hands down my favorite cook book in my kitchen.  It is such a great reference book to see how things are cooked, the basics and just general kitchen knowledge you should know.  And the awesome thing is that anything and everything I have ever thought about making has been in there.  It is quite amazing...but it is hundreds of pages in size 8 font so you would expect it to be complete.

I found a recipe but discovered I didn't have unsweetened condensed worries, I was making it anyway!  So glad I did because it turned out AWESOME!!!!!  Here is my recipe and instructions all in one...Joy of Cooking style.
Take 1/2 cup of water and zap it in the microwave until hot (or use the stove if you want).  Add 1/2 cup of peanut butter, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 2 tablespoons fish sauce, dashes of garam masala, garlic salt, curry and cumin.  Stir and taste.  Add more peanut butter if it is not thick enough and dashes of the other ingredients to taste.

Pour over stir fry and enjoy!  Or great for dipping too!

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