
Feb 7, 2012

Tour of an Artist's Home and Studio

This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending an Italian Dinner Party with Jean Cauthen.  I traveled to Italy with her and from time to time we like to get together to relive that awesome week.  While there she gave us a tour of her home and her studio.  I was able to get some pictures and wanted to share them with you.

Awesome painting of chairs - this was probably 4 feet x 3 feet or even larger.  Awesome.

 In her studio...

 Jean talking with my friends Ruthie and Theresa...

Look at this work space!!  This over looked a big window and a small porch on the second story of the home.

I believe she made this in grad the boots!

2 story gallery wall...

Gallery wall grouping in her dining room...

This one is different from the rest of her paintings...a collage in oil.

Her porch off of her studio.  She and her sweet dog Blue like to eat lunch out here.

Every thing in her home is for sale and she rotates it in and out to put in galleries.  Better to hang it and enjoy it rather than keeping it in storage!

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