
Feb 20, 2012

Book Review - Room by Emma Donoghue

This is long over long over due that I have read it in both of my book clubs.  The first time about a year ago and then again just last week.  I liked it so much I read it both times. 

This book offers the reader so many conflicting emotions when reading it.  The basic gist is that a young woman is living in a one room building with her son, Jack.  The thing is that she is being held captive and the father of her son is her abductor.  "Room" is the little Jack's whole entire world.  His mother doesn't tell him that there is a world outside or that they are locked up.  She protects him, loves him, guides him, teaches him and so many things that any mother would do.  It is really beautiful but at the same time so sad. 

This book evokes book fear on so many levels...could this happen to me?  Will they escape?  Will they make it in the real world if they do? 

I don't want to give too much away but this is a very good book and one that you should pick up.  It is also a good book for book clubs because it makes for good conversation.

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