
Dec 29, 2011

Artist Spotlight - Rod Wimer

Everyday when I get off of the elevator on my floor at work I am greeted with this scene:

Very cool and edgy right?  Very different in comparison to our office let me tell you!

I have always been intrigued by the paintings that hang there.  Abstract art is something that I have never quite gotten the hang of so I appreciate it even more.  I love the colors and the lines in these pieces!


I feel happy when I see them - they remind me of a party, good times and action.  I just decided to look up the artist - R Wimer.  The way it was signed looked a little bit like R Wimero so it was a bit of a challenge to find him.

But nonetheless I found Rod online and learned that he lives in Charlotte!    His pieces are $400 for 16x20 pieces which isn't too outrageous for fine art.

Here are some of my favorites:


16x20 Diatribe

16x20 Vishnu

Here is is bio from the Providence Gallery website:


Skilled at the melding of contemporary styles, Rod Wimer blends sensitive tonality with vivid color to compose paintings that define visual aesthetics. His creations stir subtle emotions that take residence in the unconscious.
Collectors of this artist’s work often comment on his range and versatility. His subject matter includes abstracts, landscapes, contemporary figurative, wildlife and botanicals. His media of choice dance from watercolor and oil/acrylic, to colored pencil, pen & ink and oil pastel. His abstract works are a combination of these media added to the infusion of collage.
Born in 1960 and adopted by missionary parents, Rod’s first eighteen years were spent in Africa. During those years, his family made several trips to Europe, and time spent on both continents further developed his passion for color form and texture.
1978 brought Rod to Charlotte, NC, to advance his art education. There he worked with nationally recognized artist and educator Sally Miller, who stressed all aspects of basic design with a strong emphasis on abstraction of subject matter.
Rod moved to Hawaii in 1981 where he worked with noted artists Daniel Yee, Kaiome Higa and Greg Howell, while attending ongoing education classes in Honolulu. He joined the Oahu Artists Guild in 1985 and became known for his botanical watercolors.
1988 brought Rod back to Charlotte where he now lives and continues to work as a professional artist. His work is in private and corporate collections across the continental US, as well as Hawaii, Canada, France, The Netherlands, and Great Britain.
Corporate clients and interior designers currently seek his abstract paintings.
Who knows...maybe Rudy and I will have a Rod Wimer original in our house one day!

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