
Aug 29, 2012

Flamingos in the Hood

Rudy and I have become pretty active in our neighborhood here in Charlotte.  We have met some great people and are excited about working together to make our small community something special.

So what do flamingos have to do with the neighborhood?  Several months ago a neighbor brought over 6 flamingo ornaments asking me to do something with them for the neighborhood.  So I came up with Freddie the Flamingo.

Basically he will travel from neighbor to neighbor in recognition of good deeds.  The front of his tag reads "Thank you!  Just like flamingos, great neighbors stand out!"

And on the back it says, "You are receiving "Freddie" the flamingo for something special you did recently here in Selwyn Park.  Good deeds do not go unnoticed and you are appreciated.  Psst...!  Freddie loves to travel and doesn't want to visit too keep your eyes open and pass him along to another neighbor who deserves a little recognition!"

I attached the laminated card to all 6 of my Freddies with ribbon and delivered the first one to the neighbor who gave them to me.  I hope to have all 6 delivered this week...let's hope that he continues to rotate through the neighborhood!

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